Mississippi Dunes community meeting speaker workshop

Monday, November 1, 2021 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Virtual, Zoom call
Tips for speaking at a public meeting

The Cottage Grove city council is going to make important decisions about a Mississippi Dunes site master plan in the next few weeks. This is a crucial moment to advocate for public parks, perhaps our last big chance. Once the city council approves a mix of parkland and housing in the master plan, they will likely approve redevelopment applications aligned with that plan within months.

Luckily, there are still multiple ways for community members to weigh in. Coming up are two community meetings where the public is invited to speak. We're hoping for as big of a turnout as possible at these meetings to show decision-makers how much neighbors care about this project. And we hope you'll join us to speak for just 1-2 minutes at one or both of these meetings.

All you have to do is share what you hope to see for Mississippi Dunes and why it matters to you. And we're here to help. Check out our best tips for speaking at a public meeting, and join us for a Zoom prep session on Monday, November 1, from 5–6 p.m.

The Zoom session will be informal — no registration is required. We'll share ideas for points you may wish to make and build our energy to take action.

Join our Zoom call

Join our conversation using the Zoom information below.

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Meeting ID: 876 3320 8652
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Can't make it?

We still hope to see you at the Cottage Grove meetings (Monday, November 8, and Wednesday, November 17, both 7 p.m. at Cottage Grove City Hall). Make sure to send in your comments using our form as well.

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Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
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MWMO, Northeast Minneapolis riverfront
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West River Parkway and 36th Street/44th Street, Minneapolis